Wednesday, July 6, 2016

9:42 AM Soma Mukherjee
Potato  is a very nutritional food as it is a good source of  vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, copper, phosphorous, manganese, niacin, dietary fibre and pantothenic acid. This is why it is the world's healthiest food....

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

8:32 AM Soma Mukherjee
KACHAKALAR (GREEN PLANTAIN) CURRY Kachkala or green plantains are the banana like fruits generally taken after cooking. This vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals which are actually very helpful for good making...

Monday, August 11, 2014

11:20 AM Soma Mukherjee
Rohi or rui fish is very common and popular to non veg people. This fish is available in the market during the whole year. Rui or rohu is such kind of fish which can be cooked in any way, either rich or as patient,s diet.There...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

11:56 AM Soma Mukherjee
Egg is a healthy and tasty food. It has a good protein in it and also high calorific value. Generally people all over the world take it as an item of breakfast. But it can also be taken as lunch or dinner item in different forms....

Monday, October 14, 2013

9:54 AM Soma Mukherjee
Ilish or Hilsha is the most popular fish of Bengal. It is the national fish of Bangladesh.Though this full of tiny boned fish is really very tough to manage, yet it is warmly treated and passionately loved by the people of Bengal...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

12:03 PM Soma Mukherjee
Normally kancha kala or green plantain is used in making "sukto" where it performs a vital role in making the preparation. But here it is used as an assistant ingredient though it is indispensable in this item, because "sukto"...

Monday, March 4, 2013

5:20 AM Soma Mukherjee
Brinjal is a vegetable, in Bengali, people call which "begun" that means which has no quality ; but ultimately the fact is not that. It has various food values in it. Generally it is a vegetable which people like to eat as...